Meeting Canada Consumer Product Safety Act requirements

For Consumers

The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) received Royal Assent in late 2010, and it came into force on June 20, 2011.

About the Legislation

Canada and Canadians have been well served by our consumer product safety laws. However, modern realities such as more complex materials, speedier innovation to market, new source countries for products, and increased consumer demand for information require a 21st century approach.

Administered by Health Canada, the new Canada Consumer Product Safety Act adopts modern tools and techniques that strengthen protection and bring Canada's consumer product safety system into line with our key trading partners.

The CCPSA reflects years of extensive consultations with a broad range of stakeholders, including industry representatives, consumer groups, children's organizations, standards development organizations, other levels of government and the general public.

The new law applies to a wide variety of consumer products including children's toys, household products and sporting goods, but excludes products like motor vehicles and their integral parts, food, drugs (including natural health products) and animals as these are regulated by other Canadian laws.

What are the key provisions of the new Canada Consumer Product Safety Act?

Everyone has a Role to Play

Because product safety is in everyone's best interest, everyone has a role to play. The CCPSA clearly defines industry's obligations, helps consumers to make informed choices about the products they purchase, and provides government with the tools to take action when necessary.

Product Safety Testing

Health Canada carries out testing and research in its investigation of chemical, flammability, mechanical and electrical hazards of consumer products. We also develop and share test methods with industry and private laboratories.

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